What Is ArjunaS Duty According To The Vedic Ideal

Posted by The Centrist Channel on Friday, January 12, 2024

In the ancient Indian text, the Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna, a skilled warrior and a central character in the Mahabharata epic, faces a moral and ethical dilemma on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. His duty, as per the Vedic ideal, is a central theme of this sacred scripture. Here’s an essay outlining Arjuna’s duty according to the Vedic ideal:

Title: Arjuna’s Duty According to the Vedic Ideal in the Bhagavad Gita


Introduce the Bhagavad Gita as a profound and revered scripture within the Indian philosophical and spiritual tradition. Briefly mention the historical and mythological context of the Mahabharata and Arjuna’s role as a warrior prince. State that the essay will explore Arjuna’s duty in the context of the Vedic ideal as presented in the Bhagavad Gita.

Section 1: Setting the Stage - Arjuna’s Moral Dilemma

Describe the battlefield of Kurukshetra and the situation in which Arjuna finds himself. Highlight Arjuna’s inner turmoil and moral crisis as he faces the prospect of fighting against his own relatives, teachers, and friends. Discuss the significance of this moment as a universal representation of the moral dilemmas individuals encounter in life.

Section 2: The Vedic Ideal of Duty (Dharma)

Define “dharma” as a central concept in Vedic and Hindu philosophy, encompassing moral, ethical, and social duties. Discuss the role of dharma in the caste system, society, and individual conduct in Vedic thought. Highlight the importance of fulfilling one’s dharma for maintaining cosmic order and harmony in the universe.

Section 3: Arjuna’s Duty as a Warrior

Explain Arjuna’s dharma as a warrior (Kshatriya) in the Vedic social hierarchy. Emphasize the duty of a warrior to protect the kingdom, uphold justice, and defend the oppressed. Explore the notion that Arjuna, as a warrior, is bound by his kshatriya dharma to engage in the battle.

Section 4: Lord Krishna’s Guidance

Introduce Lord Krishna as Arjuna’s charioteer and divine guide. Discuss Lord Krishna’s teachings to Arjuna, emphasizing the idea that one should perform their duty without attachment to the fruits of their actions. Examine the concept of selfless action (karma yoga) as a means to fulfill one’s dharma.

Section 5: Arjuna’s Transformation and Resolving the Dilemma

Describe Arjuna’s transformation from a state of confusion and despair to clarity and resolve. Explain how Arjuna reconciles his personal dilemma by embracing his warrior duty. Analyze the significance of Arjuna’s decision in the context of the Bhagavad Gita’s teachings on dharma.


Summarize the central theme of Arjuna’s duty in the Bhagavad Gita. Emphasize the Vedic ideal that individuals should fulfill their dharma, or duty, in life, which is a key element of achieving spiritual growth and harmony. Reflect on the enduring relevance of Arjuna’s journey and the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita in guiding individuals to navigate their own moral dilemmas and fulfill their respective duties.


Cite relevant passages from the Bhagavad Gita and authoritative commentaries on the text. Include academic sources that provide context and analysis of the Vedic ideal and dharma in Hindu philosophy.

This essay should provide a comprehensive understanding of Arjuna’s duty in the context of the Vedic ideal as presented in the Bhagavad Gita.
What Is ArjunaS Duty According To The Vedic Ideal


The Centrist Channel

