The Purpose And Political Function Of Affirmative Action

Posted by The Centrist Channel on Sunday, January 7, 2024

Title: The Purpose and Political Function of Affirmative Action


Affirmative action is a policy that has generated significant debate and discussion in the United States and many other countries around the world. It is a set of measures aimed at addressing historical and ongoing discrimination, particularly against marginalized groups. This essay will explore the purpose and political function of affirmative action, delving into its origins, its goals, and the controversies surrounding its implementation.

I. Historical Context

Affirmative action has its roots in the civil rights movement of the 1960s. At that time, African Americans and other minority groups faced systemic discrimination and unequal opportunities in education, employment, and other areas. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and subsequent legislation sought to rectify these injustices by promoting equal access and opportunities for all Americans, regardless of their race, color, or national origin. Affirmative action emerged as a policy tool to advance these goals.

II. The Purpose of Affirmative Action

A. Addressing Historical Injustice

One of the primary purposes of affirmative action is to address historical injustices. Centuries of discrimination and segregation have left marginalized groups at a significant disadvantage, with limited access to education, employment, and other opportunities. Affirmative action seeks to level the playing field by providing preferential treatment or additional support to members of these groups, thus acknowledging the need for redress.

B. Promoting Diversity

Another crucial purpose of affirmative action is to promote diversity in various institutions, such as universities and workplaces. A diverse environment fosters different perspectives, encourages cultural understanding, and ultimately contributes to a more inclusive society. By prioritizing the inclusion of underrepresented groups, affirmative action helps achieve this important societal goal.

III. The Political Function of Affirmative Action

A. Reducing Inequality

Affirmative action serves a political function by signaling the government’s commitment to reducing inequality and promoting equal opportunities. It can be seen as a proactive measure taken by the government to rectify past wrongs and move towards a more just and equitable society. This not only garners political support among marginalized communities but also reflects a commitment to civil rights principles, which can resonate with a broader constituency.

B. Fostering Political Support

Politically, affirmative action is often a topic of debate and contention. It can serve as a rallying point for political campaigns and a way for politicians to garner support from various interest groups. Advocates for affirmative action may view politicians who support these policies as champions of social justice, which can translate into votes and political contributions.

IV. Controversies and Criticisms

Despite its noble goals, affirmative action has not been without its controversies and criticisms. Opponents argue that it can lead to reverse discrimination, where qualified individuals may be passed over in favor of less-qualified candidates from underrepresented groups. This tension between the pursuit of diversity and the principle of meritocracy remains a central point of debate.


Affirmative action serves both a purpose and a political function. Its historical roots lie in the pursuit of social justice, equal opportunities, and diversity. Politically, it can garner support and reflect a commitment to civil rights principles. However, the policy remains a subject of intense debate, with criticisms related to reverse discrimination and fairness. Ultimately, the role of affirmative action in society and politics continues to evolve, reflecting the ongoing struggle to balance the pursuit of justice and equality with the principles of meritocracy and fairness.
The Purpose And Political Function Of Affirmative Action


The Centrist Channel

