Boxer And Snowball In OrwellS Animal Farm The Only Appropriate Leaders

Posted by The Centrist Channel on Friday, January 12, 2024

In George Orwell’s allegorical novella “Animal Farm,” the characters of Boxer and Snowball are portrayed as two different types of leaders within the animal community. While the animals’ rebellion against human tyranny initially holds the promise of creating a more equitable and just society, Boxer and Snowball embody distinct leadership qualities that have their merits and drawbacks. Writing an essay arguing that Boxer and Snowball are the only appropriate leaders in the context of the story requires a careful examination of their attributes and their impact on the farm. Here’s an outline for such an essay:

Title: Boxer and Snowball in Orwell’s “Animal Farm”: The Only Appropriate Leaders


Provide an overview of George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” and its central theme of a rebellion against human oppression. Introduce the characters of Boxer and Snowball, highlighting their leadership qualities. State that the essay will argue that, within the context of the story, Boxer and Snowball are the most suitable leaders for the animals.

Section 1: The Leadership Qualities of Boxer

Discuss Boxer’s physical strength, work ethic, and unwavering dedication to the cause of Animalism. Analyze his loyalty and unquestioning support for the principles of the Rebellion. Highlight Boxer’s symbolic role as a representation of the working class and the proletariat.

Section 2: The Leadership Qualities of Snowball

Examine Snowball’s intelligence, eloquence, and ability to articulate the principles of Animalism. Discuss his role in planning and building the windmill, which symbolizes progress and a better future for the animals. Emphasize Snowball’s commitment to education and his efforts to help animals learn to read and write.

Section 3: The Challenges Faced by Boxer and Snowball

Discuss the obstacles and opposition that Boxer and Snowball encounter from within the animal community, particularly from Napoleon and his supporters. Analyze how their leadership qualities are perceived as threats by those who seek to consolidate power. Examine the propaganda and manipulation used against them.

Section 4: The Loss of Boxer and Exile of Snowball

Discuss the tragic fate of Boxer, who is betrayed and sold to the knacker. Examine Snowball’s forced exile from the farm as a result of Napoleon’s coup. Analyze how these events signify the loss of the farm’s potential for progress and true equality.

Section 5: The Aftermath and the Rise of Napoleon

Discuss the consequences of Boxer’s absence and Snowball’s exile in the later part of the story. Analyze how Napoleon consolidates power, manipulates the principles of Animalism, and transforms the farm into a dictatorship. Emphasize the contrast between the early ideals of Animalism and the authoritarian rule of Napoleon.


Summarize the leadership qualities of Boxer and Snowball and their roles in the early stages of the Rebellion. Argue that their commitment to the principles of Animalism and their vision for a more just society made them appropriate leaders within the context of the story. Reflect on how the manipulation of power by Napoleon and the betrayal of Boxer and exile of Snowball represent the tragedy of lost potential and the perversion of the animals’ original goals.


Cite specific passages from “Animal Farm” and relevant analysis of the text to support the arguments made in the essay.

This essay should offer a nuanced exploration of Boxer and Snowball as leaders in “Animal Farm,” acknowledging their positive attributes and the challenges they faced while also highlighting the tragic consequences of their downfall in the face of authoritarianism.
Boxer And Snowball In OrwellS Animal Farm The Only Appropriate Leaders


The Centrist Channel

